Yesterday afternoon took place at USC-Pemade (Lugo) the first test of the full-scale mixed wood-concrete precast system consisting of two tension laminated timber beams and a compression concrete slab (MCLamBS system).
On April 20, LIFE Wood for Future staff participated in the field day of the Revierte project, funded by the Biodiversity Foundation within the call for Forest Bioeconomy projects.
Last week the coordinator of the LIFE Wood for Future project gave a lecture at the Maderamen Chair on the transfer of the structural projects of the project through the spinoff IberoLam Timber&Technology.
The Ateneo de Granada hosted yesterday April 3 the conference "The poplar in the Vega de Granada. Years of history with a great future" given by Professor Antolino Gallego, coordinator of LIFE Wood for the Future. During the talk and subsequent enriching debate, the environmental, social and economic benefits of poplar crops were highlighted, as well as the opportunity offered to the sector by the current significant growth of industrialized construction with wood.
With energy savings of up to 80%, this house is the first example of a large European project originating in Granada that seeks to integrate poplar wood in the industry for the construction of 'passive' houses.
The Agrupación de Productores Marjal Chopo de Granada held an extraordinary assembly this Monday in which it approved its first membership increase, in which 28 new owners joined the 73 founders, which allows the entity to reach one hundred members, with a total of 1,416 hectares of crops.
The banks of the river Dílar, as it passes through the municipality of Vegas del Genil, has from today, February 6, with new trees and plants, after an act of reforestation, which involved more than 100 schoolchildren in 6th grade of primary school in the municipality CEIP Virgen de los Remedios, Virgen de los Dolores and La Almohada.
The company Iberolam T&T, a spinoff of the UGR created for the future manufacture of structural products of the LIFE Wood for the Future project, creates a joint collaboration unit with the UIMA laboratory (Structural Wood Research Unit of Andalusia) of the University of Granada to offer a comprehensive service of consulting, calculation, 3D design by Cadwork and on-site inspection of wooden structures.
The poetry of Francisco Vaquero, the photographs of 22 professionals or amateurs, the sound work of composer José López Montes in the poplar groves and the piano performance of Ignacio J. Daza merge in a video promoted by the LIFE Wood for Future project, Agrupación Marjal and the spinoff Iberolam to raise awareness of the cultural value of poplar groves.
The XIV Meeting of the OTRI Andalusia Network took place from 29 to 31 January. A meeting that brought together more than 70 knowledge transfer professionals from all public universities in Andalusia and other knowledge agents.