Networking with LIFE Bauhausing Europe in the search for joint contributions
Responsible for the LIFE Wood for Future and Bauhausing Europe projects had a first meeting to discover in detail aspects of these ambitious LIFE projects. Different commonalities were found between the two projects, such as the opportunity to use certified local wood for building renovations and outdoor spaces and for the implementation of the new European Bauhaus.
The LIFE Bauhausing Europe project aims to demonstrate the New European Bauhaus approach applied to the integral renovation of public buildings and to initiate a transformation process in European neighborhoods in 5 cities: Cartagena and Blanca in Spain, Adazi in Latvia, Varazdin in Croatia and Erzsebetvaros in Hungary.
The New European Bauhaus is an initiative promoted by the European Commission that combines a multilevel, participatory and transdisciplinary approach to guide the path of transformation towards more sustainable, aesthetic and inclusive communities. Through LIFE Bauhausing Europe, the project partners will demonstrate that this approach is suitable for the transformation of any territory, regardless of its size, rural or urban character, urban challenges or degradation processes suffered.
The project consortium is formed by the local authorities of these 5 municipalities, which will be accompanied by other partners with a technical profile and a varied multidisciplinary profile: the School of Architecture and Building of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena, the energy consulting firm Ekodoma, the Green Building Council of Croatia, the Budapest art hub Pro-Progresione and EuroVértice, as the entity in charge of establishing the methodology of participation and coordination of the project.
20 students of the Geography and Land Management Degree of the University of Granada have visited today Friday, December 13, 2024, the poplar grove area of Fuentevaqueros, as part of a field visit to learn about different projects in the Vega de Granada, organized by Professor Helios Escalante.
Networking with LIFE Bauhausing Europe in the search for joint contributions. The LIFE Wood for Future and Bauhausing Europe project managers had a first meeting to discover in detail aspects of these ambitious LIFE projects.
The Civitas-UGR Chair presented yesterday afternoon the book “Trends and innovation in sustainable construction”, in an event led by the director of the Chair, Mercedes García de Quesada. The presentation was held at the Royal Hospital, headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Granada.
The Poplar Producers Association of Granada Marjal offers this weekend a course on management of vegetation cover in poplar groves for soil regeneration and improving biodiversity and productivity. This program, open to all interested parties and free of charge, will be taught by permaculture expert Radko Tichalvsky at the headquarters of the Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Training and Research (IFAPA) of the Junta de Andalucía (Camino de Purchil s / n) on Friday November 15 from 16.30 to 18.30 hours. On Saturday, November 16, a practical training will take place in several poplar groves in the Vega de Granada.
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