The Department of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Regional Government of Andalusia has recently approved a forest management model for poplar groves that will simplify the planning and daily management of these forestry crops, at a time of growing interest in poplar wood and its new uses for sustainable construction.
The energy company BayWar.e. and LIFE Wood forFuture have held a meeting sponsored by the Delegation of Tourism, Culture and Sports of the Andalusian Government in Granada to discuss possible ways of collaboration in sponsorship. The meeting was also attended by the City Council of Alhendín, where the company is planning the installation of a solar plant, and the head of sponsorship of the UGR.
At the initiative of the LIFE Wood for Future project, on March 14, 2023, the Wood Multisectoral Roundtable was constituted in Granada at the Delegation of the Andalusian Regional Government in Granada. Chaired by the Delegate of the Junta, Antonio Granados, the table has the participation of the Delegates of Environment, Agriculture, Industry and Finance, Universities and Innovation, Employment and Housing.
The School of Building Engineering of the University of Granada (ETSIE) hosted the II Congress on Innovation and Sustainability in Social Housing (ISVIS 2023) on May 10 and 11, organized by the Ministry of Development, Territorial Planning and Housing through the Housing and Rehabilitation Agency of Andalusia (AVRA) of the Regional Government of Andalusia.
On May 5, 2023, the Centro de Interpretación de la Vega del Secadero de Belicina (Vegas del Genil) hosted a seminar on the environmental and cultural benefits of poplar.
LIFE Wood forFuture has contributed to the program of activities of the VI Edition of the "Semana de la Vega", held between April 17 and 23, 2023, with the activity "Trees, rivers and wood: keys to our future", organized by the Diputación de Granada, with the collaboration of the University of Granada and developed on April 20, 2023.
On June 29th the LIFE Wood forFuture project received the visit of the Director General of Forestry Policy and Biodiversity of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Ramón Pérez Valenzuela. Accompanied by the President of the Andalusian Forestry Association (AFA), Gabriel A. Gutiérrez Tejada, the Director General saw first hand the progress of the adaptation works of the first warehouse of the San Isidro Sugar Factory, where the Structural Wood Research Unit of Andalusia (UIMA) of the University of Granada will start operating in September 2023.
LIFE Wood for Future has been recognized and selected among the 50 most outstanding R&D&I projects in Engineering in Spain, within the "I+D+iIniciati>a" program of the Spanish Institute of Engineering. Likewise, our project has been catalogued as a "Large Scale Project", because it covers the entire value chain, its wide scope of action and its high impact, within the area of Sustainability and Environmental Protection.
On July 27th and 28th we received the visit of the ELMEN EEIG monitor, Patricia Serrano, representing the European LIFE program, with whom the LIFE Wood forFuture partners held the second general coordination meeting of the project.
The fourth edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Newsletter is now available, where you can consult the latest news of the project.
The third edition of the LIFE Wood For Future project Newsletter is now available, where you can check the latest news about the project.
The meeting has highlighted the growing demand for structural technical wood products in Andalusia, where an incipient industry is emerging to take advantage of local resources instead of importing them. The Malaga town of Benarrabá, in the Genal Valley, has hosted this Friday and Saturday the first technical conference on the Wood Quality Plan of Andalusia.