As part of the Xuvenciencia summer campus, USC-Pemade has received the visit of 2 groups of young people to carry out an interactive activity to introduce and promote local wood construction, explaining its environmental importance and the results of mitigating climate change.
During the end of June and beginning of July, the first edition of the course "Wood as a Building Material" has been developed, launched by the spinoff Iberolam Timber & Technology through the Iberolam Timber Academy platform.
The LIFE Wood for Future project has participated in the III Ibero-Latin American Congress on Wood in Construction (CIMAD 2024), held in Madrid. This congress is the most important event on construction and wood in countries with Hispanic and Portuguese roots.
On behalf of the research teams of the Universities of Santiago de Compostela (USC_Pemade), Granada (UGR-UIMA), and the companies Prefabricados Rodiñas and Iberolam Timber & Technology (spinoff of the UGR), the coordinator Antolino Gallego, presented the innovative structural products of the LIFE Wood for Future project (poplar-pine mixed beams and prefabricated pi slabs for mixed wood-concrete floors).
A group of farmers in the province of Granada, under the coordination of the Confederation of Organizations of Foresters of Spain (COSE), has launched a pilot test under an agroforestry system that combines, for the first time in Spain, poplar trees and hemp for industrial use.
For a GREENER Andalusia with more local industry.
The LIFE Wood for Future project has been the protagonist of one of the episodes of Hoy por Hoy of Radio Granada Cadena Ser to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the radio station.
The seventh edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Newsletter is now available, where you can consult the latest news of the project.
In this link you can see the dissemination video of the Agrupación Marjal promoted by the LIFE Madera para el Futuro project through the actions of COSE with the collaboration of IFAPA.
The award, endowed with 3,000 euros, recognizes "innovation, value creation, sustainability and contribution to social and economic development" of this company promoted by the European project LIFE Wood for Future and established in 2023 by researchers and poplar and pine forest owners in the province of Granada.
The coordinator of LIFE Wood for Future and members of the board of directors of the Andalusian spinoff Iberolam Timber & Technology visit the Prefabricados Rodiñas facilities in Curtis where the prototypes of these innovative mixed wood-concrete structural products are being developed.
Destroying an ecosystem that acts as a great carbon sink, such as the Vega, with the pretext of installing solar panels that avoid carbon emissions, sacrificing its population, has no scientific logic.