Last Friday, November 3, and on the occasion of the forged on innovation Tecnofest-23, began to host the photographic exhibition of the poplars of Granada, winners and mentioned in the I Poplar Photography Contest of the Agrupación Marjal, the LIFE Wood for Future project and the Cívitas-UGR Chair 'Sustainability, Innovation and Development.
On October 28th, the coordinator of the LIFE Wood for Future project participated as a keynote speaker at a round table organized by the Granada-based company Audi Nucesa to promote mobility with electric vehicles. In it, Professor Antolino Gallego exposed the need to act, invest and promote the expansion of poplar groves, sustainable public transport and the use of electric cars, as efficient measures to combat pollution in the metropolitan area of Granada.
The School of Art of Guadix hosted yesterday Monday, October 9, the seminar 'The poplar, a source of environmental and cultural benefits', in which a dozen teachers, researchers and specialists have exposed the positive impact that this crop so rooted in the Accitan region has on biodiversity, air cleanliness and soil quality.
Some thirty students were trained in the assembly of wooden structures on September 29 and 30 at the ETS de Ingeniería de Edificación of the University of Granada by the large and experienced technical team of the Italian company Rothoblass.
Granada, September 27, 2023. During this month the restoration works of the Patio de la Capilla del Hospital Real, headquarters of the rectorate of the University of Granada (UGR), the great work that has allowed the 'resuscitation' of this emblematic architectural space, have been completed.
On September 7 and 8, the Pablo Olavide University organized an interesting conference on the Andalusian Wood Quality Plan, which brought together more than 130 people from the different links in the value chain.
The fifth edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Newsletter is now available, where you can consult the latest news of the project.
On June 12, 2023, the Governing Council of the Regional Government of Andalusia took cognizance of the "Program to Promote Timber Harvesting in Andalusia", promoted by the Directorate General of Forestry Policy and Biodiversity, which is a milestone in democratic history in terms of change in the policy of Andalusian forest management.
GRANADA, APRIL 20, 2023. The Governing Council of the Junta de Andalucía has approved the implementation of the value chain plan CRECE Wood and Furniture Industry, aimed at "making efficient and sustainable use of natural resources and Andalusian knowledge for the use of wood in the manufacture of furniture and in the construction and renovation of buildings".
On March 21, 2023, the College of Architects of Granada hosted an interesting conference entitled "Nature as a transforming element of cities", organized by the architect Ana Carvajal, committed to building with wood through the companies Arquigreen and Arquima. Before a large number of local architects, the professor of Physics Applied to Construction, Antolino Gallego, presented the general ideas of the LIFE Wood for Future project and the benefits of mixed poplar-pine and wood-concrete structural products for long-span and high-rise construction.