Today, February 24, LIFE Wood for Future, through the Diputación de Granada and the University of Granada, organized a day of awareness and training on conservation and restoration of riverbanks in the Vega de Granada and the use of native species in the Dilar river with students of the 1st year of Bachillerato of the IES Zaidín-Vergeles de Granada
Help us to assess the perception of the systems and tools to be developed in LIFE Wood for Future, and about the environmental services provided by poplar groves.
The feasibility of combining forest cultivation with agricultural crops such as vegetables, corn or aromatic plants will be tested in the plot.
The LIFE Wood for Future/Madera para el Futuro project will finance planting and care in the demonstration plots. The foresters will receive training in sustainable forest management and obtain better prices for their certified wood.
Today Wednesday the professor of the University of Granada Antolino Gallego presented the LIFE Wood for the Future project in the Assembly Hall of the School of Arts José Val de Omar in Granada, invited by Professor Carmen Martín.
The Delegation of Employment and Sustainable Development of the Diputación de Granada has commissioned the drafting of a comprehensive restoration project of the river Dílar along 12 kilometers of the riverbed, from Gójar to Vegas del Genil, which will involve the repopulation of the riverbank, currently very deteriorated, with native plants from the Provincial Nursery.
On December 3, 2021, the first edition of the Diploma of Wood Structures Calculation Applied to Projects, organized within the framework of the LIFE Wood for Future project, was closed by the International Graduate School of the University of Granada at the School of Building Engineering.
The Conference GranadaEmpleo III: "Employment Opportunities and Incorporation of Women in the Construction Sector", organized by the Provincial Council of Granada, Delegation of Employment and Sustainable Development, in collaboration with the Association of Builders and Developers of Andalusia and the Construction Labor Foundation
"COLOR CIRCLE is a transnational project, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the INTERREG EUROPE program, which aims to enable local authorities to play their key role in promoting the circular economy, thanks to their increased contact and collaboration with research centers and universities.