LIFE Wood for Future and the Group of Ecoproducers presented in Guadix

As a replicability activity of the project in other regions, today, March 9, 2022, the LIFE Wood for Future project was presented in the region of Guadix, with the collaboration of the Rural Development Group of the region and the irrigation communities.

Second edition of the Timber Structures Calculation course sponsored by LIFE Wood for Future

USC-PEMADE and UGR organize the second edition of the CEM course at the ETS of Efication Engineering of the UGR.

AguaGranada Foundation to sponsor the dissemination of LIFE Wood for Future

The AguaGranada Foundation will be the first sponsor of dissemination activities of the LIFE Wood for Future project. AguaGranada is a non-profit organization established in 2007 by the company EMASAGRA, with general interest purposes such as the preservation of the environment, the rational use of natural resources, mainly water, and the defense of nature, promoting sustainable development.

LIFE Wood for the Future asks the Junta de Andalucía to include poplar plantation in its strategy against air pollution in Granada

Poplar trees absorb a large amount of polluting gases from traffic, so their cultivation is a quick, effective and complementary measure to the promotion of public transport. The European project for the recovery of poplar groves in the Vega wants to present its proposals to the working group formed by the state, regional, provincial and local administrations.


The ETS de Ingeniería de Edificación (building engineering department) of the University of Granada hosted the second meeting of poplar owners of the province of Granada for the creation of the Agrupación de Ecoproductores de Chopo de la provincia, coordinated by Patricia Gómez of COSE and Eduardo Montero of the Asociación Forestal de Navarra.

Awareness and training day on the conservation of the riverbanks of La Vega de Granada with students of IES ZAIDÍN-VERGELES

Today, February 24, LIFE Wood for Future, through the Diputación de Granada and the University of Granada, organized a day of awareness and training on conservation and restoration of riverbanks in the Vega de Granada and the use of native species in the Dilar river with students of the 1st year of Bachillerato of the IES Zaidín-Vergeles de Granada

LIFE Wood for Future project opinion survey

Help us to assess the perception of the systems and tools to be developed in LIFE Wood for Future, and about the environmental services provided by poplar groves.

Save the Vega and LIFE Wood for Future plant the first poplars on the La Nocla estate, on loan from the City Council

The feasibility of combining forest cultivation with agricultural crops such as vegetables, corn or aromatic plants will be tested in the plot.

Twenty landowners from the Vega de Granada will form the first Poplar Wood Ecoproducers Association in Spain.

The LIFE Wood for Future/Madera para el Futuro project will finance planting and care in the demonstration plots. The foresters will receive training in sustainable forest management and obtain better prices for their certified wood.