On April 22, 2022, the CajaGranada Cultural Center hosted the presentation of the Friends of the Vega Awards 2022, awards that recognize the best practices in the care of the Vega Granadina.
Dozens of volunteers, from the municipalities crossed by the river and from other parts of the province, participate in the bird counts. The program will provide regular data that will help to evaluate the evolution of the conservation status of the Dílar river over the next few years.
On April 18, the Municipal Theater of Purullena, in the Guadix region, hosted the fourth meeting for the constitution of the Granada Poplar Growers' Association.
The Provincial Council of Granada, Vega Educa and LIFE Madera para el Futuro organize these visits, in which students of 3rd of ESO learn how to plant cuttings.
Businessmen, builders, specifiers and representatives of the administration have visited the technology center of the University of Santiago, two structural timber factories and the innovative Impulso Verde building in Lugo. LIFE Wood for the Future aims to promote in Andalusia, from poplar wood, a sector that in Galicia has an annual turnover of almost 2,000 million Euros, exports 700 million Euros and employs 18,000 people in more than 3,000 companies.
The Technical School of Building Engineering of the University of Granada and the LIFE Wood for the Future project have hosted during the 25th and 26th of March 40 students of Maderaula, a classroom of theoretical and practical training in wood construction and near-zero energy consumption. The Maderaula project of the CESEFOR Foundation of Castilla y León and funded by the Green Employment program of the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, travels to different locations in Spain and aims to train employees in the light-frame construction system to achieve an energy efficient and industrialized construction.
LIFE Wood for Future was selected by the Polish LIFE National Contact Point within the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management to be presented at the online event dedicated to LIFE projects on CLIMATE.
The ETS of the School of Building Engineering hosted yesterday afternoon, March 15, the third working meeting for the constitution of the group, organized by COSE and the UGR, which was attended by about 40 poplar grove owners in the province. During the meeting, the Communication Company Jasten Fröjen, specialist in the forestry sector, by means of a participatory strategy, collected first-hand all the information from the attending owners about their feelings and expectations regarding poplar plantations and timber.
On March 11, 2022, members of the LIFE Wood for Future team presented the project first hand to the Delegate for Sustainable Development in Granada, Mr. Manuel Francisco García Delgado. Marcos Moleón and Antolino Gallego, researchers from the UGR, together with Francisco B. Navarro, IFAPA researcher, explained in detail the different actions of the project, both in environmental matters and in terms of actions for the implementation of a bioeconomic ecosystem that contributes to the sustainable development of the Vega de Granada and other regions of Granada and Andalucía.
Under the memory of the first poplar sawmill of the "Rey del Chopo" located in the Old Factory of San Juan (Old sawmill of the "Rey del Chopo") in Las Huertas Bajas, in Santa Fe, this historic place of the Vega began a second life yesterday as it witnessed the inauguration ceremony of the demonstration plots of the LIFE Wood for Future project. Its owner, María del Carmen Jiménez Barrionuevo, "Marita", kindly offered her farm to celebrate this intimate and historic event.