The company Biotecnología y Medioambiente S.L., through a meeting convened by the Diputación de Granada, has presented the project for the restoration of a 12 km stretch of the Dílar river from Gójar to Vegas del Genil.
The Ibero-American Union of Municipalists has visited the field of poplar mother vines planted in the provincial nursery of the Diputación de Granada, as part of its INTERNATIONAL TECHNICAL MISSION "SOCIAL INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT IN RURAL TERRITORIES", carried out by the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists (UIM), between June 19 and 25, in different parts of the provinces of Jaén and Granada.
The Plenary Hall of the City Council of Castillejar, a municipality in the region of Huéscar, hosted yesterday afternoon the presentation of the LIFE Wood for the Future project as a tool to revitalize the poplar groves in the province of Granada, thus generating wealth, green jobs and environmental and landscape benefits.
The LIFE Wood for Future project is part of the working group driven and led by the LIFE Resilient Forest project and integrated by eight LIFE projects.
The County Council of Granada today inaugurated the poplar mother stock field created in the Provincial Nursery in Cortijo Peinado in the municipality of Fuente Vaqueros. This action is carried out thanks to the transfer of one hectare of land to the Life Wood for Future project, translated as Wood for the Future in Spanish, which has European funding from the Life program for climate change mitigation. In this case it focuses on the promotion for the recovery of the historic poplar groves of the Vega de Granada.
LIFE Wood for Future and the University of Granada have actively participated in the Treeconomics, Wood and Sustainable Economy Conference, led by its coordinator, Antolino Gallego, professor at the University of Granada. Treeconomics, held in Madrid on June 22, organized by the European Poplar Association (Propopulus) and sponsored by the bank ING.
The town of Huéscar in Granada has hosted the First Conference "Sustainability of our forests" organized by the recently created Association of Forest Owners of Eastern Andalusia.
LIFE Wood for Future in ERAIKEN Vocational Training in the Basque Country. LIFE Wood for Future has participated through professors Manuel Guaita (USC) and Antolino Gallego (UGR) in a course aimed at vocational training teachers.
On 7 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the poplar producers' association of Granada MARJAL, promoted by COSE in the framework of the LIFE Wood for Future project, was formally presented to the Delegate of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Andalusian Regional Government in Granada, María José Martín Gómez, and her technical team.