LIFE Wood for Future and the University of Granada have actively participated in the Treeconomics, Wood and Sustainable Economy Conference, led by its coordinator, Antolino Gallego, professor at the University of Granada. Treeconomics, held in Madrid on June 22, organized by the European Poplar Association (Propopulus) and sponsored by the bank ING.
The town of Huéscar in Granada has hosted the First Conference "Sustainability of our forests" organized by the recently created Association of Forest Owners of Eastern Andalusia.
LIFE Wood for Future in ERAIKEN Vocational Training in the Basque Country. LIFE Wood for Future has participated through professors Manuel Guaita (USC) and Antolino Gallego (UGR) in a course aimed at vocational training teachers.
On 7 June 2022, the Board of Directors of the poplar producers' association of Granada MARJAL, promoted by COSE in the framework of the LIFE Wood for Future project, was formally presented to the Delegate of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Andalusian Regional Government in Granada, María José Martín Gómez, and her technical team.
As part of the replicability and transfer of results at the level of demonstration plantations, several owners met yesterday with the owners of Agrícola Genil in Écija for a field day in the poplar plantations along the Genil river in this Sevillian town.
On May 25, 2022, Professors Manuel Guaita and Antolino Gallego, from the Universities of Santiago de Compostela and Granada, respectively, visited the prestressed concrete factory of Grupo Rodiñas located in Curtis.
One of its first initiatives will be to request the Junta de Andalucía to include this crop among the beneficiaries of aid from the CAP of the European Union. Victoria Carreras will be the president of the group, the first in Spain to bring together poplar wood producers, and Javier de Teresa, its honorary president. The poplar producers adopt as their trademark the Nazarí word marjal, which is still used in agricultural activity in the province.
The LIFE Wood for Future project has participated on April 29 in the conference on best practices in circular economy in the construction sector organized by the City Council of Granada through the European project URBACT URGE, in the Official College of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects of Granada.
The commitment to industrialized construction with poplar wood would contribute to decarbonization and stable and qualified employment. The coordinator of the project, Antolino Gallego, emphasizes that it fits into the green revolution of the Strategic Alliance for Recovery, the so-called Martyrs' Pact.