Madera PinoSoria S.L., an exemplary company from Soria at the service of rural development and sustainable construction with wood.

Sawmills are often small and medium-sized local businesses that process wood for local customers and employ local people, generating employment and local economies in rural areas. They are a perfect example of sustainable rural development, with a positive impact on the regional and even national economy.

Timber harvesting for poplar structural timber certification successfully completed

After almost a year of the project, the work of extracting the timber required for the regulatory certification of poplar wood for structural use was completed in August. In total, wood has been extracted from 6 sources in Spain, two in the Genil Basin (Fuentevaqueros and Santa Fe in the province of Granada), two in the Duero Basin (Valencia de Don Juan and Villaornate in the province of León) and two in the Duero Basin (Remolinos in Zaragoza and Marcilla in Navarra).

A contemporary vision of the poplar wood drying sheds of La Vega receives a mention in the competition for the temporary pavilion of the Humilladero.

The 'Chopo Activo' project, by architects Ignacio de Teresa, Lucía de Molina, Xianjun Zhou and Ignacio Hornillos, has received a mention in the competition for the design of the temporary pavilion of the TAC! Urban Architecture Festival, launched by the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (Mitma), in collaboration with the Arquia Foundation.

Experience exchange with LIFE Água da Prata

Generating synergies with the Municipal Chamber of Évora. Networking day between the projects LIFE Água da Prata and LIFE EcoTimberCell and LIFE Wood for Future, taking advantage of the visit of the environmental technician of the City Council of Évora to the PEMADE facilities at the Campus Terra of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

The University of Granada assigns LIFE Wood for Future researchers space in the emblematic San Isidro de la Vega de Granada sugar mill.

LIFE Madera para el Futuro researchers will be the first to be installed in the new spaces of the BIC industrial building of the San Isidro Sugar Factory. This is an emblematic building where the white revolution, or beet revolution, began in the Vega de Granada.

The Provincial Council of Granada includes the creation of the poplar laminate industry in the Urban and Rural Agenda of the province.

The Provincial Council of Granada has included the pilot project of a new Bauhaus based on poplar, to promote and facilitate an industry of structural laminates of local poplar wood in the province, promoting its use in local sustainable construction.

The European LIFE Wood For Future project and record timber prices encourage the creation of three certified poplar nurseries in Granada

The LIFE Wood for Future project and the record price of poplar wood on the market have encouraged the creation in the province of three new certified plant nurseries in the last two years. Given the signs of revival of this traditional crop, entrepreneurs Juan Carlos Cano, Curro Santos and Isaac Rodriguez, all based in Santa Fe, in the Vega de Granada, have opted to exponentially expand the area dedicated to the breeding of new plants to supply their own poplar groves and supply the foresters of the environment.

Land and Sea Program dedicates a Report to the LIFE Wood for Future project

The European Life: Wood for the Future project aims to promote poplar cultivation in the Vega de Granada, with the dual purpose of contributing to the fight against climate change, improving the environment and at the same time promoting local economic development with the implementation of a profitable and innovative industry focused on wood for bio-construction. Building Engineering of the University of Granada is one of the partners.

LIFE Wood for the Future participates in the 8th Spanish Forestry Congress

Patricia Gómez, COSE Manager, has participated in the 8th Spanish Forestry Congress where she presented the LIFE Wood for Future project