The Cívitas-UGR Chair of Sustainability will collaborate with LIFE Wood for Future in training, dissemination and replicability actions.

The rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda, presided over the presentation of the Cívitas-UGR Chair 'Sustainability, Innovation and Development'. This initiative is the result of the interaction between business and academia in the areas of sustainability, innovation and training.

Timber and its use, an opportunity for the Sierra de Segura in the context of LIFE Wood for Future

The Town Hall of Siles has hosted this Friday a conference entitled 'Wood and its use to reduce the carbon footprint: an opportunity for the Sierra de Segura', presented to forest owners and other social and economic agents a sustainable development project for this region, which includes municipalities in the provinces of Jaén and Granada.

Poplar groves will become an economic, environmental and tourist resource for the Geopark

The Geopark of Granada collaborates with the European project LIFE Wood for Future- Wood for the Future with the aim that the poplar groves become a reference for the economic promotion of the territory. This collaboration was formalized last November 3 in Cortes de Baza.

LIFE Wood for Future and Marjal launch the 1st Poplar Grove Photography Contest sponsored by Cívitas Chair

Attached is the call for the I Concurso de Fotografía Choperas de Granada: Marjal, organized by Agrupación Marjal, the LIFE Wood for Future project and the University of Granada, with the sponsorship of the Cívitas-UGR Chair of Sustainability.

The Town Hall of Vegas del Genil hosts the European Heritage Days

El ayuntamiento de Vegas del Genil en la Vega de Granada acogió ayer 21 de octubre el Foro Encuentro de Experiencias dentro de las Jornadas Europeas de Patrimonio organizadas por la Delegación Territorial de la Consejería de Turismo, Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía.

The LIFE Wood for Future project shows its impact at the First Meeting of Andalusian Geoparks, in the northern mountains of Seville.

The Provincial Council of Granada, as part of the First Meeting of Andalusian Geoparks, gives a talk entitled "European projects in the Geopark territories of Andalusia", which aims to encourage the different geopark territories to participate in the presentation of projects with EU funding.

Wood: Material for greener construction. LIFE Wood for Future at Novaciencia

LIFE Wood for Future presents in the October-2022 issue 184 of Novaciencia magazine the importance of wood for low-carbon construction and a summary of the project's actions.