On June 29th the LIFE Wood forFuture project received the visit of the Director General of Forestry Policy and Biodiversity of the Junta de Andalucía, Juan Ramón Pérez Valenzuela. Accompanied by the President of the Andalusian Forestry Association (AFA), Gabriel A. Gutiérrez Tejada, the Director General saw first hand the progress of the adaptation works of the first warehouse of the San Isidro Sugar Factory, where the Structural Wood Research Unit of Andalusia (UIMA) of the University of Granada will start operating in September 2023.

LIFE Wood for Future receives a commendation from the Spanish Engineering Institute

LIFE Wood for Future has been recognized and selected among the 50 most outstanding R&D&I projects in Engineering in Spain, within the "I+D+iIniciati>a" program of the Spanish Institute of Engineering. Likewise, our project has been catalogued as a "Large Scale Project", because it covers the entire value chain, its wide scope of action and its high impact, within the area of Sustainability and Environmental Protection.


On July 27th and 28th we received the visit of the ELMEN EEIG monitor, Patricia Serrano, representing the European LIFE program, with whom the LIFE Wood forFuture partners held the second general coordination meeting of the project.

Publication of the fourth edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Project Newsletter

The fourth edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Newsletter is now available, where you can consult the latest news of the project.

Publication of the third edition of the LIFE Wood For Future Project Newsletter

The third edition of the LIFE Wood For Future project Newsletter is now available, where you can check the latest news about the project.

Benarrabá, in the Genal Valley (Málaga) has hosted a technical conference on the Andalusian Wood Quality Plan.

The meeting has highlighted the growing demand for structural technical wood products in Andalusia, where an incipient industry is emerging to take advantage of local resources instead of importing them. The Malaga town of Benarrabá, in the Genal Valley, has hosted this Friday and Saturday the first technical conference on the Wood Quality Plan of Andalusia.


With the sponsorship of the Cívitas-UGR Chair of Sustainability, Innovation and Development and the College of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects of Granada, the second edition of the Diploma in Calculation of Wood Structures Applied to Projects, organized within the framework of the LIFE Wood for Future project under the umbrella of the International Graduate School and the School of Building Engineering of the University of Granada, was successfully completed this April.

Trees, Water and Wood: A Triangle for Sustainability

The LIFE Wood for the Future project has participated today in the round table "Trees, water and wood: A triangle for sustainability" within the Sustainability Fair 2023 held in Granada between 30 and 31 March. The fair was organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Granada with the sponsorship of the Junta de Andalucía and the collaboration of various entities such as the Diputación de Granada, the University of Granada and the La Huella Verde movement.

Consuelo Vallejo and José López Montes talk about poplar groves

Here you can listen to the interview to the Composer José López Montes, Professor of the Conservatory of Music of Granada, and to the professor of the Dept. of Painting of the UGR, Consuelo Vallejo, about the Photographic Exhibition on the poplar groves in the Aljibe del Rey (Granada). Photography and soundscape united hand in hand.

LIFE Wood for Future launch video unveiled in society

Download the video of the launching of the LIFE Wood for Futuro project presented on March 17, 2023 at the Carmen de la Victoria of the University of Granada.